One night we lay in bed in the dark during loadshedding. With limited light and no TV, we were telling stories we had made up. The Rainbow Boat was my story. South Africans understand what this means. For the rest of you: loadshedding is when the power is off. Areas of the country take turns […]
Train your brain with jigsaw puzzles (Feva Foam)
Completing a jigsaw puzzle has a number of surprising benefits. As educational toys go, this seemingly simple activity rocks. How do I buy myself 10 minutes for make up and hair when things are going pear-shaped? Give the kids some puzzles. This brightly coloured mental challenge gives a great sense of accomplishment. Keeping the number […]
A pet for my child: Why caving in is good
When our children wanted a dog we had to think about it long and hard. We know. It’s a job. They wore us down and we started researching breeds. We probably did not research it well enough and ended up getting a lovely little Beagle. This first pet of ours was a force of nature. […]
The princess and the pea
I grew up with a number of sensory quirks, which seemed to run in the extended family. These goings on were duly noted and mostly disregarded. I recognise similar traits in my little daughter. Quite the sensory circus over at our house sometimes. These sensory traits meant that having my hair combed was screaming agony. […]