The Magic Mat is a magical adventure of movement. This is such a fun activity – with huge developmental benefits. It is a truly holistic approach to physical and emotional development through movement, sound and breathing. “The magical tool of the book and animated DVD, (view trailer) demonstrates fun, physical stretching and relaxation techniques that […]
The power of Touch
Long time ago, babies were born into their mothers’ welcoming arms. The babies could not walk or talk, so the mothers carried them around and responded to their needs as they arose. The babies thrived and gradually grew to increasing physical and emotional independence. They received touch, were rocked by the mothers’ movements and were […]
Household chores and pocket money
Here’s a secret that no one ever tells you: small children love to help around the house. They love the recognition it brings and gives them a huge sense of accomplishment. ‘I am important in the house.’ Kids are able to do quite a lot of small jobs. It is a lovely workout for little […]
Retained Primitive Reflexes
What are primitive reflexes? Movement stimulates brain connections. Neonatal reflexes are present in the womb and the early stages of life and occur in a specific sequence to wire the brain for optimal sensory and motor function. These primitive responses originate in the brain stem and cause automatic, repetitive movements. Babies were designed to do reflex […]