All of life is an obstacle course. We learn this right from the beginning. The prince had to rescue the princess. She lived in a castle surrounded by a moat full of crocodiles, guarded by a dragon. The prince had to think up plans to defeat all these creatures and rescue her. He never said: […]
The Magic Mat and its little secret…
The Magic Mat is a magical adventure of movement. This is such a fun activity – with huge developmental benefits. It is a truly holistic approach to physical and emotional development through movement, sound and breathing. “The magical tool of the book and animated DVD, (view trailer) demonstrates fun, physical stretching and relaxation techniques that […]
Realigning the spine
A certain amount of ‘normal’ movement can take place between one vertebra and the next in the spine. The more lax the ligaments, the more relative movement is possible. This means that with lifting, shifting, pushing and pulling motions, a single vertebra or a number of them, can do a slight rotation relative to the […]
Play outside, kids
Children learn through play. It tickles their imagination. In fun ways they learn to be creative, to grasp new concepts and to solve problems. Outdoor play is especially important. Movements are bigger and bolder outside. Developmentally, children have to master the big movements before they can master the finer skills of drawing and writing. In […]