I grew up with a number of sensory quirks, which seemed to run in the extended family. These goings on were duly noted and mostly disregarded. I recognise similar traits in my little daughter. Quite the sensory circus over at our house sometimes. These sensory traits meant that having my hair combed was screaming agony. […]
Once upon an obstacle course
All of life is an obstacle course. We learn this right from the beginning. The prince had to rescue the princess. She lived in a castle surrounded by a moat full of crocodiles, guarded by a dragon. The prince had to think up plans to defeat all these creatures and rescue her. He never said: […]
The power of Touch
Long time ago, babies were born into their mothers’ welcoming arms. The babies could not walk or talk, so the mothers carried them around and responded to their needs as they arose. The babies thrived and gradually grew to increasing physical and emotional independence. They received touch, were rocked by the mothers’ movements and were […]
Retained Primitive Reflexes
What are primitive reflexes? Movement stimulates brain connections. Neonatal reflexes are present in the womb and the early stages of life and occur in a specific sequence to wire the brain for optimal sensory and motor function. These primitive responses originate in the brain stem and cause automatic, repetitive movements. Babies were designed to do reflex […]