It is a shock to find out that one’s small child can’t see properly. I somehow thought because children are still small their eyes should be very good. Well, actually I didn’t give it much thought at all. Until it happened. The trouble is, children don’t know what things should look like. Or, if their […]
A weighted vest for the low tone child
What does low tone mean? The best explanation is by means of analogy. Imagine purchasing a mechanical arm that could wash dishes. The arm would need to be attached near the sink. Would you attach it to the curtain/drapes? Not likely. The arm might end up swinging the dishes through the window. No. The arm […]
The Magic Mat and its little secret…
The Magic Mat is a magical adventure of movement. This is such a fun activity – with huge developmental benefits. It is a truly holistic approach to physical and emotional development through movement, sound and breathing. “The magical tool of the book and animated DVD, (view trailer) demonstrates fun, physical stretching and relaxation techniques that […]